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March 27, 2025 10:21 AM
⚡ Geek Bytes
  • Not all con creeps are obvious—some are awkward, others have bad intentions. Learn to tell the difference.
  • Use clear communication, stick with friends, and seek staff or security if needed.
  • Never assume safety based on appearances—creeps come in all forms. Be alert, stay respectful, and protect yourself.

Cosplayer's Guide to Staying Safe from Convention Creeps

🎭 Not All Con Heroes Wear Capes—But Some Villains Wear Smiles

Let’s be real: conventions are a magical space where fandoms unite, friendships blossom, and cosplayers get to bring their favorite characters to life. But not everything at a con sparkles. Sometimes, the darker side of con culture creeps in—literally. Whether you're a seasoned cosplayer or a first-time attendee, knowing how to spot and deal with “con creeps” is essential for your safety and comfort.

“Con creeps” can be anyone who makes you or others feel uncomfortable—through unwanted comments, invasive photos, or worse, physical contact. And here’s the kicker: they don’t always look like villains. Some may be awkward and well-meaning. Others? Not so much.

This guide is here to help you identify the difference, respond with confidence, and protect yourself or your friends from inappropriate behavior—without losing the fun of the con experience. Let’s break it all down.

👀 What (and Who) Is a Con Creep?

A “con creep” isn’t always a trench coat-wearing cartoon character—sometimes, it’s just someone who doesn’t understand boundaries. There are two main types:

  • The Accidental Creep – Usually socially awkward, lacking filters, or unaware they’re making you uncomfortable. They don’t mean harm but still cross a line.
  • The Actual Creep – Someone who knows exactly what they’re doing and intentionally makes others feel unsafe. Their behavior can border on or is harassment.

Both can ruin a great day—but how you respond to each may be different. So how do you deal?

👯‍♀️ Tip #1: Stick With Your Group (And If You're a Minor, Stick With Your Grown-Up)

First things first—don’t go alone. Not just for safety, but because cons are way more fun with friends. Whether you're 15 or 25, being in a group lowers your chance of being targeted and makes it easier to speak up or call for help.

If you’re under 12, you’ll need a guardian with you anyway—most cons require it. But even if you’re 16 or 17, bringing a trusted adult or sticking with your friend squad is just smart. Groups discourage creeps from approaching, and your friends can back you up if things get weird.

💬 Tip #2: Say Something—Loud and Clear

Creeps (especially accidental ones) don’t always pick up on nonverbal cues. If someone says or does something that makes you uncomfortable, say it out loud:

“That makes me uncomfortable.”
“Please don’t touch me.”
“No, thank you.”

If speaking up feels hard (especially if you’re shy or introverted), it helps to practice beforehand or have a go-to friend who can speak up for you. The important part is to make it clear that the behavior isn’t welcome. Most accidental creeps will back off fast—and if they don’t? You’ve got backup steps.

🛑 Tip #3: If They Keep Pushing, Get Help Immediately

If someone ignores your boundaries, it’s time to get out and find help. Con security and staff are trained to handle these situations. You’re not bothering them. This is exactly why they’re there.

  • Look for staff with radios or badges.
  • Visit the info booth or go to Artist Alley—most vendors can radio security for you.
  • If no one is nearby, shout. Be loud. Say, “Stop touching me!” or “Get away from me!”

Making a scene isn’t rude—it’s safe. It draws attention to the creep and invites others to step in. Trust that your safety is more important than someone else's momentary discomfort.

👤 Tip #4: Don't Judge Based on Looks Alone

This might be the most important—and the hardest—lesson: creeps don’t always look like creeps.

They might be:

  • Dressed in cosplay themselves
  • The same age as you—or older or younger
  • Friendly at first
  • Attractive or charming
  • Even part of your fandom or friend circle

And on the flip side, the person you think looks like a creep may just be socially awkward and honestly wants to compliment your costume. Don’t go around assuming every adult is out to get you—but stay alert and trust your gut.

❌ Tip #5: Don't Use Force Unless You Absolutely Have To

This can be a hot topic—but listen up: physical self-defense is a last resort. Don’t go pepper spraying or punching people just because you feel awkward. First, it could get you in serious trouble—especially if it turns out to be a misunderstanding.

If someone is physically restraining, dragging, or assaulting you—that’s when defense matters. Until then, yelling, drawing attention, and calling security are far safer and more effective first steps.

📛 Bonus Tip: Creeps Can Be Anyone

Just a quick reality check—creeps aren’t always men. They’re not always old. They’re not always loners. They might be other cosplayers, women, mutuals from online, or even someone you were just having a great chat with.

The best rule of thumb? If someone’s actions make you uncomfortable, it’s valid. Period. You don’t owe anyone access to your space, your body, or your time—no matter how friendly they seem.

Stay Safe, Stay Smart, and Still Have Fun

Conventions should be safe spaces for everyone—whether you're rocking a $10 closet cosplay or a hand-stitched masterpiece. Dealing with creeps sucks, but arming yourself with knowledge, confidence, and a solid support system makes all the difference.

Say it loud, walk with friends, and don’t hesitate to get help. Whether you’re 12 or 42, your safety is always more important than being polite.

Keep your con experiences awesome, empowering, and totally creep-free with more cosplay tips right here at Land of Geek Magazine!

#CosplaySafety #ConventionTips #ConCreeps101 #CosplayerSupport #LandOfGeekApproved

Mar 27, 2025
Conventions and Cosplay